


    • Refill Your Prescriptions Online
    • Drive-Thru Convenience
    • Free Delivery To Your Door
    • Prescriptions Ready In 15 Minutes Or Less
    • Free Vitamins For Kids & Seniors
    • Compounding For Your Specialty Rx Needs

Contact Us

  • The Hometown Pharmacy Counter
  • Employee and Medicine
  • The Hometown Pharmacy Drive Thru
  • Employee and Medicine
  • The Hometown Pharmacy Counter
  • The Hometown Pharmacy Drive Thru
  • The Hometown Pharmacy Counter

A note from the pharmacist

  • I joined the Hometown Pharmacy team in 2018 as a pharmacy intern. I knew
  • from the start that once I graduated I wanted to become a Hometown
  • pharmacist! Working at an independent pharmacy gives me the opportunity to
  • have one on one time with patients and see to their individual needs. I
  • strive to be as helpful and caring as the pharmacists I learned from and
  • look forward to continuing to serve the Struthers community!